#1: The guidelines and restrictions of FAA Order 8900.1, Vol. 3, Ch. 6, Sec. 1 apply to civilian formation events flown:
A. over sporting events protected by a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR)
B. during an Aviation Event (Airshow) covered by a Certificate of Waiver (CoW)
C. during any formation flight activities below 1000’ AGL
D. over an open air assembly of people
#2: A Certificate of Waiver authorizes deviations during an Aviation Event from specific FARs, including:
A. Minimum Safe Altitude
B. aerobatic flight
C. operating near other aircraft
D. All of the above
#3: Which of the following Pilot documents must be available for inspection when flying formation in an airshow covered by a Certificate of Waiver?
A. FFI card
B. current medical certificate (or BasicMed driver’s license)
C. proof of flight review (or substitute)
D. Pilot Certificate
E. All of the above
#4: Which of the following Aircraft documents must be available for inspection by the FAA IIC when flying formation in an airshow covered by a Certificate of Waiver?
A. copy of condition/annual, transponder, and ELT inspections
B. proof of insurance
C. Airworthiness, Registration, Operating Limitations, and Weight and Balance documents (AROW)
D. answers A and C
E. answers A, B and C
#5: What minimum pilot qualifications are required to receive compensation for Aviation Event flight activities?
A. FFI card and Commercial Pilot certificate
B. Commercial Pilot certificate and current Second Class medical
C. current medical and Private Pilot certificate
D. FFI card and current Second Class medical
#6: Which of the following is an example of legal compensation for pilots flying Experimental Aircraft during an Aviation Event?
A. solo flight during the airshow
B. compensated carriage of passengers
C. media rides, as a condition of the airshow contract
D. any activity, with a valid Commercial Pilot certificate and current FFI card
#7: Which of the following is true of the Air Boss as related to the Certificate of Waiver?
A. The Air Boss must approve each performer maneuvers package
B. The Air Boss has primary responsibility for airshow operations on the active taxiways, runways, and the surrounding Aviation Event Demonstration Area
C. The Air Boss is required to conduct a briefing on each day of the Airshow Event
D. answers B and C
E. answers A and B
#8: Which of the following flight operations require Air Boss approval?
A. engine start
B. takeoff
C. entry into the “box” to begin performance sequence
D. answers B and C
E. answers A, B and C
#9: Formation flights must conduct all communications on the Air Boss frequency
A. true
B. false
#10: The minimum altitude to overfly the Primary Spectator Area is:
A. 500' AGL
B. 750' AGL
C. 1000' AGL
D. 1500’ AGL for Cat II aircraft
#11: The term for a line on the surface of the ground or water to enhance pilot orientation during the performance with a clear visual reference to the minimum safe distance from the crowd is called the:
A. Crowd Line
B. Center Line
C. Show Line
D. Dead Line
#12: Corner Markers are visually significant references placed at least ______ feet to the right and left of the Primary Spectator Area, on the Crowd Line
A. 1000
B. 100
C. 1500
D. 500
#13: Formation flight events during an airshow by FFI qualified pilots must comply with:
A. Category I restrictions
B. Category II restrictions
C. Category III restrictions
D. appropriate category restrictions, based on aircraft speed and weight
#14: The Category III Show Line is normally _____ feet from the Crowd Line
A. 500
B. 1000
C. 1500
D. 2000
#15: The critical aircraft in a formation flight within a CoW is the:
A. Flight Lead
B. aircraft closest to the Crowd Line
C. lowest aircraft
D. aircraft closest to the Show Line
#16: Formation passes may be made inside the Corner Markers, if:
A. the flight overflies the Show Line
B. winds require adjustment to the flight path for symmetrical passes
C. the flight remains above 1000’ AGL
D. None of the above
#17: Within the Flying Display Area, what is the maximum distance between aircraft to be considered as formation flight?
A. 100 feet
B. 250 feet
C. 500 feet
D. 1000 feet
#18: FFI defines a "Large Formation" as a flight with more than _______ aircraft flown within a Certificate of Waiver or Stadium TFR airspace
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
#19: FFI card authorized Formation Standard Maneuvering within a CoW Flying Display Area is limited to ______ feet AGL minimum, _____ pitch maximum, ______ bank maximum
A. 250, 45°, 60°
B. 250, 30°, 60°
C. 100, 60°, 75°
D. 200, 45°, 60°
#20: SAC card authorized Formation Dynamic Maneuvering within a CoW Flying Display Area is limited to ______ feet AGL minimum, _____ pitch maximum, ______ bank maximum
A. 100, 90°, 90°
B. 250, 60°, 75°
C. 250, 60°, 90°
D. 200, 60°, 75°
#21: Which of the following formation maneuvers is not allowed under Standard Maneuvering?
A. crossing pass
B. pitchouts to land
C. Missing Man pass
D. formation landing
#22: FFI cardholders may participate in a performance with Statement of Aerobatic Competency (SAC) formation cardholders, provided:
A. SAC formation cardholders do not fly aerobatic maneuvers
B. SAC formation cardholders and FFI cardholders do not execute Dynamic Maneuvering
C. all aircraft remain above 250’ AGL
D. All of the above
#23: While flying non-aerobatic formation, momentary projection of energy towards the crowd (such as reverse banana passes, reversal turns and 360 degree turns) are:
A. never allowed
B. allowed, if approved by the IIC during the brief
C. allowed, provided all aircraft remain beyond the Show Line
D. None of the above statements are true
#24: Energy projected toward the crowd during a formation change is:
A. allowed, if approved by the IIC during the brief
B. never allowed
C. allowed, provided all aircraft remain beyond the Show Line
D. None of the above statements are true
#25: Provided the pilot retains a current medical and Pilot Certificate, an FFI card is valid for a period of:
A. 12 months from date of issue
B. 24 months from date of issue
C. 6 months from last 4-ship flight (Flight Lead cardholders must fly as Lead)
D. 12 months from last 4-ship flight (Flight Lead cardholders must fly as Lead)
#26: FAA order 8900.1, Vol. 3, Ch. 6, Sec. 1 airshow currency rules state that a perfomer must have flown at least ____ practice(s) or performance(s) of the formation routine to be performed within the past _____ days
A. 2, 60
B. 1, 30
C. 1, 45
D. 2, 30


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