Formation Flying, Inc.

Welcome to Formation Flying, Inc. FFI's mission is to promote and support safe, standards-based formation flying at airshows or Aviation Events that operate under a Certificate of Waiver. FFI is a Recognized Industry Organization accredited by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to evaluate pilots seeking Industry credentials to fly in formation in such airspace.
FFI develops and maintains flying standards, procedures and airshow operations education documentation. We are also invested in the airshow industry, engaging with the FAA, ICAS, FAST and others in matters affecting formation standards, training and safety.
While FFI does not directly sponsor or sanction formation training organizations, there are many groups around the country that train to FFI standards. Pilots participating in such training are supported by experienced and credentialed pilots who have demonstrated the skills to pass a rigorous FFI checkride and airshow knowledge evaluation.
2023-04-22 AIM update to transponder and ADS-B operations in formation
2022-11-10 FAA links updated to new DRS system (replaces FSIMS)
2020-05-27 Formation Guide updated
2018-12-17 FFI Program Manual 3.0 FAA Letter of Authorization effective January 2019
2018-08-05 Summary of Changes and Common Errors
If you are an FFI cardholder seeking an Annual Activity Report form, click here
If you are an FFI cardholder (or aspiring one) wishing to take the Airshow Operations Knowledge Exam, click here